Sunday, June 26, 2011

Sacrament Meeting Program

Sacrament Meeting Summary

Our youth speaker in sacrament meeting was Cole Bird. He spoke to us about becoming an eternal family. Cole admonished us to remember the scripture in Moses 1:39 where it tells us the purpose of our earth life. It is our responsibility as adults to work to maintain a house of order. Our testimonies should be centered on Jesus Christ. Marriage between a man and a women is ordained of God.

Our young adult speaker was Elder Jaron VanRij. Have you ever seen a more handsome and broadly grinning young man? He is "pumped" to serve in the Belgium/Netherlands mission. Elder VanRij is elated to be the first missionary (under our current stake leadership) called to serve in the same mission as Stake President Tate did as a young elder. Jaron spoke of his recent decision to serve a mission and how he shared that revelation with his family. He wanted to surprise them with the arrival of his mission call, but decided to tell them individually, of his decision to serve a mission the week before his call came. Jaron shared three ways the gospel has affected is family life. His parents prepared him to be a great missionary by providing spiritual structure in their home. He told of his great appreciation for their guidance by holding Family Home Evening and encouraging family prayer, scripture reading and obedience to his parents. Jaron is grateful for the power of the priesthood that his father has shared throughout his life and testified that exercising this power at home gave a closer bond to their family unit. He knows that having this "special power" helps to give us a happier life and is anxious to share this knowledge as a missionary. He knows that the family can become an eternal unit. Jaron has enjoyed participating in temple ordinances and making eternal covenants. He wants to testify of these truths to some of God's other children on this earth.

Our Country Park 8th ward choir added to the spirit of the meeting by singing a beautiful medley of songs about our Savior, Jesus Christ. Thanks Stephanie and your melodic "songbirds," for sharing your talents with us!

Kathy Houghton was the concluding Sacrament Meeting speaker. She took a few moments to share some tidbits that she knew about Jaron. She testified that Jaron loves to save people. He worked at the recreation center as a lifeguard, went to school to become an EMT and now he has chosen to be a missionary to continue on his path of saving people. She, as all of us are, so proud of Jaron for taking on this challenge for the next two years. Kathy's talk was about how the gospel has blessed her life as a single mother. She realized from the moment she held her tiny baby daughter in her arms that as a parent, it was her duty to raise her child in the gospel with love and righteousness as well as provide for her spiritual, emotional and temporal needs. Through working daily to carry out this responsibility, she has been taught more about Jesus Christ's selfless love for all of us. Kathy is certain that she was meant to be a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. She is so grateful that through her membership in the gospel she has acquired a loving "extended family" that cares about and helps her during struggles. She talked about preparing to go to the temple and how excited she is to go there often and serve others.